The titular Elf Cyborg Alien invites you to its return into the musical worlds, adorned with interactive elements of simplistic choreographic elements like marching or clapping, dancing with a wind machine, as well as the fixture of singing the “she comes to me / the world I seek” mantra together. The emotional landscape leads you from warm, utopian and hopeful sounds via gloomy, melancholic and introspective areas to a joining of both worlds, making peace between light and darkness. The dramatic structure is modelled after the album THE WORLD_SHE COMES and its thematic premise, but it also contains newer compositions worked into its structure.
26.03.2022 – Elf Cyborg Trance at rrr (club event), Vienna (Austria)
30.04.2022 – Frxxdom: Alive by Queer Spaces Network – Bike Jesus, Prague (Czech Republic)
25.06.2022 – Avantgarden 001 – Die Fabrik, Berlin (Germany)
15.07.2022 – Category is… Pride! – Galerie SLP, Bikini Berlin (Germany)
17.07.2022 – ACSD 2022 (Anarchist Christopher-Street-Day), Mariannenplatz, Berlin (Germany)
30.07.2022 – Habemus Samstag – Madame Claude, Berlin (Germany)
21.10.2022 – SCOPE BLN, Berlin (Germany)
performance series in different variations and locations
taking place from March to October 2022